Monday, December 22, 2008

17 December - The Life

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel, will save it.”
Mark 8: 34 - 35

In John’s gospel Jesus refers to himself as the Life; for by knowing and following him we can have life in all its fullness, life in abundance. In him we can truly be alive! But that may not mean we have an easy life, a life filled with joy, a life without pain, a nicely paved road to wealth and ease. In fact, as these verses from Mark’s gospel demonstrate, we may well experience just the opposite. Jesus tells us that we should deny ourselves, take up a cross and follow him. And that might mean a huge effort, moment by moment, it may leave us open to persecution and ridicule, but we must follow his path even when the work is difficult and the future looks bleak.

Carrying a cross reminds us that our wants and desires are not the centre of the universe. Carrying a cross reminds us that there are others who suffer and reminds us to fight for justice. Carrying a cross has to do with discipline and hard work. It has to do with unselfishness and committing ourselves to the finest of which we are capable. It has to do with forgetting ourselves and concentrating on the needs of others, this is what Jesus meant when he talked about losing our lives; this is way to abundant life, new life lived with him.


Loving Lord, we thank you,
For the life that you breathe into each of us;
For the promise of eternal life you offer to us;
For the abundant life that you share with us.
Help us to unselfishly, day by day, surrender ourselves to your will, your way of living that we might find ourselves truly alive in you.

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