Monday, December 22, 2008

16 December - The Truth


To the Jews who had believed in him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you really are my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8: 31 - 32


For many people in the secular world, Christianity is viewed as something that is stifling, something that prevents them from living a satisfied and happy life. ‘Thou shalt not this and thou shalt not that’ far too restricting! But actually, as these two verses show, there is a wonderful freedom to be found in knowing Jesus. He is the truth that can set us free; free from our past wrongdoing, free from our guilt, free from the things that weigh us down, free from anxiety about the future in fact free from all that binds us and saps our energy.

Jesus is the source of all truth, showing us the way to eternal life, enabling us to have a fresh, exciting and loving relationship with a God who loves us. This truth does not set us free to do whatever we like; rather it gives us the freedom to follow God and enables us to become all that God meant us to be. If we pay attention to the teaching of Jesus and become his disciples then we can know his truth, and be set free.


Lord God we come to you rejoicing that you have revealed to us your truth in Jesus. Help us to open our hands and our hearts to let go of our fear, our guilt and our anxiety that we might be set free to be true disciples. Amen

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