Thursday, December 11, 2008

11 December - Word of God


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1


"In the beginning…" So John the evangelists begins his gospel. Matthew, in giving the genealogy of Jesus goes back to Abraham, the father of God's people (although there are a few Gentiles found on the list). Luke's genealogy of Jesus' ancestry goes all the way back to Adam and so embraces the whole human race. We are all brothers and sisters in Jesus' family. John, however, goes back to the very origins of God himself. "In the beginning" echoes the first words of Genesis and creation but John speaks of an even earlier beginning, a beginning that has no beginning but stretches infinitely back into the eternity of God himself. We use words as a way of communicating self. And there are many different kinds of words: superficial, deep, constructive, destructive, factual, emotional, funny, sad, encouraging, discouraging, loving, abusive... God's Word is special. It is creative (as ours too can be). God's Word does not just communicate an idea. It is active; it brings things into existence. Everything that exists flows from the creative Word of God. In a special way it brings into being; it gives life. A real word, too, communicates its speaker. Communication comes not just from our mouth but from our whole body. We speak of "body language". We can communicate very effectively by not saying anything at all, by remaining coldly silent, by turning our backs, by the expression on our face, by a warm smile or an ear to ear grin.


Lord by our words forgive.
Lord by our words might others know you.
Lord by our words might others experience you.
Lord by our words might others receive your love.
Lord by our words bring healing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cold silences kill spontaneity.....hurt deeply and make you doubt yourself..render you powerless....

words imprint on your brain....but funny enough the positives and affirmations dont stay that long!!