“My Jesus, My Saviour,
Lord there is none like you
All of my days I want to praise
the wonders of your mighty love.
My Comfort, My Shelter
Tower of refuge and strength.”
Psalm 97
Isaiah 49: 8-13
Matthew 5:1-11
How do you deal with discouragement? Do you ever feel alone or exhausted by being that seemingly lone voice that shouts out for justice? Have you felt the burden of standing up for what is right? Do you speak out for the oppressed, outcast, vulnerable, broken? Do you wait in eager anticipation for things to change? Do you ever wonder is it worth it?
I am sure if you have said yes to any of these questions, then you can sometimes feel alone in the task God has called you too. The longing and waiting for the change to happen can be heartbreaking. We all wait for something , in spite of technology and almost immediate communication - dependent upon your phone and service provider, of course!!!, we still find ourselves waiting. Waiting for that package to arrive, for that appointment or news of results, waiting in the queue that always seem to be the slowest in the supermarket. Researchers tell us we spend 5years of our life waiting inline, 2 years playing tag on the telephone and 6 months sitting at red lights (not sure they have been to Warrington though). That is 7 1/2 years waiting or getting aggravated depending on your personality. So now as we wait together for the world to change, perhaps our focus can be on our own immediate world, and the difference God makes. We could then always smile when we wait in a queue.
Comforting God, restoring God help me again to sing your praise. Strengthen me that I may be a voice for the voiceless.
Further Prayers
We pray for our local church communities. May all who meet and worship together be inspired by the story of Christ again. That in unity we will strive for justice, love mercy and walk humbly before our God.
Just heard a fascinating Radio 4 prog on Christmas then have come across your blog - thanks for reminding me what it is about. For me I am glad to have the period of waiting rather than rushing into it. Brill brill brill
I agree Anonymous and wish I knew how to put my name to these things but am new to this and stumbled across this blog. Thanks Jackie for helping me through advent - I read your blog daily as a source of help and support. God is certainly using you Jackie.
Fiona (Bristol)
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