“The heavenly Babe you there shall find
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swathing bands,
And in a manger laid.”
(While Shepherds watched)
Psalm 23
Isaiah 42:1-9
Luke 15:1-7
Shepherds are committed people, and by today’s standards, probably strange. After all who would leave 99 sheep to go and find the one that is lost? Who would leave all they know in search of those who have no hope and those who would wander aimlessly - who would do that? Who would leave the comfort of what is certain and
comfortable? Who would leave all they know? Who would do that?
Jesus brings a new idea of God. Our view of God is limited until this point. Jesus does not simply corroborate the notions of Greek philosophers, Hebrew rabbis and teachers of the law - he does more than that. He tells us, or better, shows us what God is like. God saw, God heard, God came and God lives.
Praise be to our God.
Surprising God
May I, this season, again join in the adventure of seeking the Christ child.
May I again offer myself to you,
offering all I have been, all I am and all that is to come.
Praise you almighty God—for you are the same yesterday, today and forever. In you we trust.
Further Prayers
We pray for those aid organisations who respond to the needs of others. Provide resource, wisdom and understanding.
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