Truth of our life
Mary’s child
you tell us God is good
Prove it is true
Mary’s child
Go to your cross of wood.
(Born in the night Mary's child)
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Matthew 4:17
Matthew 6:33
Kingdom builders are history makers—moving beyond what the world says and embracing the full nature of God’s creation. Do you feel called to be a kingdom builder or history maker? Mary could have said no. Joseph could have abandoned the one he was betrothed to and walked away. But they didn’t - they said “Yes” and became part of His Story (Gods story).
We admire Mary & Joseph yet at times we do not emulate their faith journey and courage. They were ordinary lay folk called by God and equipped by the Spirit. They trusted their inner experience of God and responded - and that response took them to Bethlehem and Egypt. When they were called by God, there was no mention of them having to “clear” this with the rabbis or teachers of the law. They just responded. There was no safety net or back up plan—they heard and they went. But what would the priests have said? Would they have tried to dissuade them—we will never know. What we do know is they responded to the greatest story ever told— will you be part of it too.
Holy God, born in the darkness of night you bring us light.
Give us grace to live and grow in the generosity of your Spirit
that when all the trappings of Christmas have gone, you remain. Amen
Further Prayers
We pray for all those who give of themselves in our church and community. We pray that God would inspire and equip them.
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