Joy to the World , the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing
Isaiah 9:2,6-7
John 1:1-5
Galatians 4:4-7
May you have a blessed Christmas. I hope the gifts we got for folks are well received—when did the tradition of gift giving start and why? It is difficult getting the right gift for the right person. What do you get someone that seems to have everything? The answer is…I have no idea (nothing doesn’t seem fair).
The best gift is free! It has been told in many different ways yet the best gift does not come from a shop, no queuing needed and no credit card details need be exchanged. A gift receipt is not needed. God's gift to us, in Jesus is free. God became one of us.
Today take advantage of this gift. God gave us his only Son! Perhaps this today with family and friends we will remember the gift God gave—what love. May we this day look for ways of showing that love to our family (even the ones who gave us the jumper we really would not like to wear in public) and give them little reminders of how much they are loved by us. Love your family and friends unconditionally, showing them the love that our God has shown us. Thank you God for giving us the most precious gift of all!
We shout and sing for you have come to us
Angels dance as creation bows to the Lord of all.
God bring us Christ’s peace
Christ’s light
Christ’s love Amen
Further Prayers
We pray for those we meet today – may you love radiate from us. We remember those needing to work today for the safety and care of others.
thanks for these advent things, jackie, they've been a joy
Have a joy-filled Christmas.
i've enjoyed reading all of these xx Sarah
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