Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray
(Away in a Manger)
Isaiah 60:1-3
Luke 2:1-20
A Saviour as a child…. a Saviour as vulnerable, as inconspicuous and unarmed as a child. A new-born baby cannot attack, cannot threaten, cannot kill. The world exhorts us to look up to the strongest but the birth of a child, a needy child, tells us it was not so for God. This small child will rescue, redeem, heal and restore.
We are on the very brink of the Nativity. Our sense of the power of the One coming has been stretched, challenged, recast over the last three weeks. And now the reality of that power begins to dawn more clearly. And what is astonishing about it, is that, unlike any power we know, this power is confident enough to be vulnerable. And that means confident enough in us to be vulnerable to us. What sort of power is it that allows itself to be so vulnerable? It is the power that heals, transforms and delivers— it is the power of God.
Come thou long expected Jesus. I am ready.
Light of light, Lord of Lords and King of Kings
In excitement we approach the dawn.
Re-awaken in us the Spirit of grace and mercy that
we may receive you once again.
Bring peace to those who are in distress, peace where there is hatred. In your saving name Amen
Further Prayers
We pray for nations at war for whom Christmas is not still , silent of peaceful.
We remember our armed forces and their families particularly those who have lost loved ones through conflict.
1 comment:
Thank you for the series of Advent meditations Jackie Much appreciated Hope you have a happy, blessed Christmas......and that you have a good "rest" Love to you
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