Wise men seeking Jesus,
Travelled from afar,
Guided on their journey
By a beauteous star.
Psalm 54
Isaiah 43: 1-7
Matthew 2:2-12
What’s in a name? Does our name describe anything of who we are? In some parts of the world the name given to a child may reflect the circumstances of birth. For example, a girl born into one of the indigenous groups of East Africa might have a name which means, “born at night” or “born when it rains.” (In which case in the UK there would be a lot of rain related names).
It was also common in Biblical times to choose a name that indicated something significant about the character of the person. Naomi, whose name meant pleasant, asked to be called Mara, meaning bitter, after her husband and two sons had died. When Rebekah gave birth to twins, the second born was grasping his brother Esau’s heel. So he was named Jacob, which means he grasps the heel, or figuratively in that culture, he deceives. And Jacob’s character was sometimes one of deception.
Jesus, too, was given a name that reflected his destiny, but one so unlike that of Jacob. Jesus was called Immanuel, God with us, indicating the purpose of his life. Jesus came to show us the face of God, to give us a clearer view of the will of God, and to help us understand the character of God. Jesus came to bring God’s truth to humankind, to be God with us, to provide the possibility of living life with hope, meaning and purpose, near to the heart of God.
O God, whose nature is revealed in Jesus,
give us your spirit that our lives may reflect your character of love, hope and purpose in thought, word and deed. Amen.
Further Prayers
We pray for our neighbours whose names we do not know. May we reveal your presence by our words and actions.
1 comment:
I really like this one! Makes me think some more though!
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