As the night closes in, there’s a star at my window
that still waits and beckons at break of the day.
And this star shining bright
seems to call me to follow,
to leave on a journey and I must obey.
(The Carol of the Star - Andrew Rudd)
Psalm 18:24-30
Matthew 2:1
The theme of journey is commonplace in the Christian tradition. We consider the life of faith as a journey, a pilgrimage—one which takes us to different places.
Sometimes the journey seems long. Isaiah tells us to “make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God.” What could that mean? Making straight the wasteland. Does it mean clearing away the debris in our lives, removing the barriers in our way, laying down the burden we carry? Mary at times may have felt like a burden—Joseph could have made the journey a lot quicker without her—but that wasn’t the plan. The journey by the shepherds and wise men could have been prevented by them saying “no” - but that wasn’t the plan. The plan for us is to grow in God’s grace. Jeremiah reminds us that God has plans for our lives—plans for a future. How will you respond? Would you have followed the star? Will you follow the star? And this year will you lay down the burden that has made the journey hard? God cares for you.
Lord of all, you are a God who provides for us in our need.
As we travel through Advent help us to believe that you know what we need.
Give us the courage to listen to your voice and the freedom to open our heart to the graces you are offering
Further Prayers
We pray for all who make a journey this Christmas. Those who we visit and those who visit us. At every door, in every home, may the reality of your presence bring the peace we long for.
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