Sing Choirs of angels
Sing in exultation
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above
Glory to God in the highest.
(O Come all ye faithful)
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
Jeremiah 23:5,6
Galatians 5:22
Are you good at excuses. "I'm sorry God, I can't go to church this Sunday, I'm too tired. I got back home too late Saturday night." "I'm not going to pray or read any devotional tonight because I'm just so tired. It's 3 a.m. and I just got done with Facebook, catching up on tv and I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm sure God understands how busy I am."
Those are some classic excuses we use to compromise with God about our spiritual time with Him. We may do that over and over again and we forget that God actually delights to spend time with us. When life just seems painless and we know exactly what we are doing, then it may seem that we don't need God’s guidance in every single day of our lives. Sometimes it takes a major incident to remind us what really matters in life. Sometime it takes failures to snap us back to the reality that we need God. When all the things we do just don't feel right, that is when we realise that we really do need our God. So, have you spent time today praising God for all you have in your life and for people He has given to you to share it with? That's what really matters and God is faithful in welcoming us each time. Faithfulness shown to us in the birth of Jesus.
Holy God may we greet thee every day of our lives afresh
Grant us Your peace, restore our joy,
and lift our worry from us, so that we can live in a way fitting for the nearness of Christ.
Further Prayers
We pray and praise God for the faithful people we know who show time and time again the grace, mercy and faithfulness of God.
1 comment:
sorry no real excuse for not responding to your blog - thanks so much for inspiring us.
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