Would you Pass?
“God’s love endures for ever” Psalm 118
Readings - Isaiah 26:1-6, Psalm 118 and Matthew 7:21-29
Have you ever arranged an MOT? If you are a driver of an older vehicle the answer should be yes. How about a physical MOT? A health update where we are checked over. If not a vehicle or health, how about an annual check of gas or our electrics. Some things in our lives have to have the once over occasionally - so how about a spiritual MOT?
When was the last time you examined your prayer life, your spiritual discipline of reading God’s word. When did you last examine your giving of time and resources? When was the last time you were still and quiet in God’s presence? A day, a week, month or years? Do we avoid this? Not have time for it? Not see it as a priority?
Do we spend more energy on the physical world than our spiritual world? The foundations of our lives and faith need to be strong to withstand the storms of life. Yet too often, we busy ourselves with the external decoration. Advent is an excellent time to take stock.
Help me O God to examine myself in the light of your mercy.
Give me patience and faithfulness to except the joys and delights which you offer.
Give me the willingness to embrace the changes I need to make to become more like Jesus.
Quiet my soul O God.
Renew me O God
Create in me a clean heart O God.
In the name of Jesus. Amen
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for all who have shown us Christ and revealed your truth. We remember our church community that we may be inspired in new and bold ways to show your love.
1 comment:
Not sure I would pass an MOT? Thanks for these wonderful and God-given meditations.
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