Catching Our Tears
“You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows” Psalm 23:5
Readings - Isaiah 25:6-10, Psalm 23 and Matthew 15: 29-37
God cares about us—our concerns are God’s concerns. Isaiah tells us that our cries will be wiped away. It reminds us of the reading from Revelation in Chapter 21 where a comforting word tells us that God will wipe away our tears from our eyes.
God promised through Isaiah a new earth, a new kingdom and comfort shown through the coming of Jesus. God promises in Revelation to wipe away the tears from every eye and bring in a new kingdom and a new earth at Jesus’ second coming.
Jesus’ first and second comings reveal the fullness of God and Gods kingdom in our lives and in the world. We touch the kingdom of God here and now – each time we acknowledge by word and action that God is the ruler in our lives. We touch the kingdom of God in this season of Advent as we reflect on the wonder of God’s plan. And we hold in our hearts the hope of touching the kingdom of God in its full reality at some point in our future.
Comforting and strengthening God.
Grant me insight and faith to recognise the signs of your kingdom here on earth.
Help me to be a faithful member of your kingdom, serving you with heart and soul.
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory
Forever and ever
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for all who face difficult challenges in life.
Transforming God help, comfort and lead us as we offer ourselves to you
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