Pointing to God
Readings - Psalm 126 and Matthew 17:9-13
“The Lord has done great things for us” Psalm 126:3
At one of the local hospitals there is a sign on the grounds which points people to “mino njuries.” Fortunately you can work out the missing letters and figure out what it is saying and get directed to the right place. But what happens when you miss the clues? When it doesn’t make sense and you cannot find your way?
Matthews reading follows Jesus’ transfiguration. A common belief among Jews was that Elijah would pave the way to the Messiah (Malachi 3:23). Have you ever heard people say something like?
I became a Christian because I saw others (my friends, my partner, my child or work colleagues) living out their faith in a convincing way.
I quit church because of how I saw people treating others….it didn’t make sense.
So many people throughout our lives have pointed us to Christ. Whether it is our intention or not our words and a actions reveal God to others - or do they? Do we point others Christ or do we confuse people? Do our actions betray the faith we have or allow others to be guided to God? It is our choice.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no feet but yours, no hands but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which the compassion
of Christ is to look out on a hurting world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless all now. Teresa of Avila
Holy God may my life, my words and my actions point others to the miracle of your coming. Amen
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for those who rush around unable to be still because of the demands of others. Grant them peace.
We pray and give thanks for who have pointed us to Jesus.
We pray for opportunities of revealing Christ’s love to others
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