A Greater Healing
“Have Mercy on us, Son of David” Matthew 9:27
Readings - Isaiah 29:17-24, Psalm 27 and Matthew 9:27-31
The readings are wonderful. They sound amazing, perhaps almost too good to be true. A blind man healed, an orchard turned into a forest, moral evils checked with the unjust condemned and the tyrants and the arrogant gone.
In addition freedom from shame and all honouring God. If only these things could happen today.
We look around the world and we ask deep questions of life. Why are they starving? Why does evil spread? What is wrong with this world? The prophecies spoken point to a world to come. To a hope. To a dream. Don’t we all dream? Maybe our dreams are limited to spending the Euro millions each week. Do you believe God can do immeasurably more than we dare dream? The manger tells us God can and God does.
Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador sought to help and defend the poor. It didn’t start that way, yet as his eyes, heart, mind and spirit were opened to the situation in his country he became a mighty defender of others. So dangerous was he considered by others that he was murdered by authorities whilst saying Mass. His words of freedom echo thy cry of Isaiah, Mary and Jesus. Words spoken turning things upside down. The lowly - exalted; the poor - rejoicing; those mourning - blessed and comforted. Let our dreams be God’s dreams for nothing is impossible with God.
Lord God, Sometimes I am so blinded by the world that I fail to see you working.
Forgive me for the missed opportunities of rejoicing when I do not notice you.
In my struggles with life may I know your presence. Help me to grow in faith, that as I gaze on your presence I may truly see you. Amen
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray that we may see the needs of others, even unspoken and hidden. We pray we may see with the eyes of God and respond in a way that brings honour and delight to God
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