What shall I do?
Readings - Jeremiah 23:5-8, Psalm 117 and Matthew 1:18-25
“Joseph woke, he did what the angel said”
Joseph has a decision to make and it is not an easy one. He saw what could be his new family, Mary the one to whom he was betrothed and her extended family including the deeply religions Zechariah. It was all looking wonderful when suddenly it all changed.
Mary had just returned form visiting Zechariah a true and deeply religious man when Joseph found out she was with child. What would Zechariah had said? If he accepted Mary’s account of things then why not Joseph. But it is difficult when you are the one directly involved - all advice is great, but in the end it is down to you.
Then Joseph has a revelation that changes everything. He sees something of the bigger picture. This child’s family is wider than he could ever imagine—this family involves you and me and heirs of God’s kingdom. It is no longer about genes it is about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for we are all one in God’s eyes.
Our dilemmas are seldom resolved by divine intervention—at least not an angel Gabriel kind. We reflect, we pray, we ponder and seek advice then take action. If we honestly follow a process of surrendering to God then we can be at peace—even if the decision turns out to be wrong. We can comfort ourselves and be assured of God’s blessing if we can say “we made the best and most honest decision with the knowledge we had at the time.
God forgive me for promises and commitments broken.
Often the spirit is willing but the flesh is week.
Help me to forgive others who have broken their promise to me.
May I be like Joseph willing to be obedient to your voice. Amen
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for all who receive unexpected and life changing news. News of joy and also that of despair. May Our God bless and direct them.
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