Pleasing Everyone
Readings - Isaiah 48:17-19, Psalm 1:1-6, Matthew 11:16-19
“If only you had paid attention to my commands”
It’s hard to please everyone. You just cannot do it. But should we try? Does our own happiness rely on the happiness of others. If that is so, then we are probably at a hiding to nothing!
Isaiah tells us about our priorities “If only had paid attention to my commands.” Have you ever experienced that despair when we have ignored a warning sign, not followed the instructions and things have gone wrong.
Mother Teresa, one who showed the compassion of God in dramatic ways in the down trodden streets of Calcutta says, “It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you...yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your sister and brother and offer them your hand”
God commands us to love. Not to worry about pleasing others - simply to love them - to bring the spirit of Christmas into our world.
God of forgiveness,
I turn to you in my weakness and humanness and seek your help.
Let me feel the joy growing in my heart as I anticipate your coming.
I hear the message of the prophets of old and know that the Messiah will bring
new life and new ways of living.
From the humbleness of my life, help me to grow and bloom
and hear the words that will change the world. Amen
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for our neighbours whose names we do not know. May we reveal your presence by our words and actions.
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