Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sunday 5 December - Shh


“Be Still and know….”Psalm 46:10

Readings - 1 Kings 19:11-13, Psalm 46, Mark 1: 35-39


‘The Big Silence’, a programme recently broadcast on BBC revealed a fascinating insight into the impact that silence can have in our lives. Five individuals representing different outlooks on life, occupations and ages descended on St Buenos in North Wales for an 8 day silent retreat. With the exception of talking to their spiritual director each day they were expected to maintain complete silence.

Did they do it? Well some of them did - others initially used mobile phones or talked together. At the outset all but one said they did not have any kind of relationship with God. Yet by the end each had experienced something of God. They got in touch with their lives, their past, present and future in a new way. It was a very moving to see people embrace stillness and to have an opportunity to listen to and speak with God.

Mark’s gospel reminds us that Jesus frequently went and found a solitary place to spend time with God. Do we? When was the last time you found a time of stillness and quiet - a time when you could hear the tender whisper of God. May your soul be still and may you know that God is with you.


Lord God, only you can see into my heart and know that under all the busyness of my life, there is a deep longing to make this Advent one that welcomes you more deeply into my own life.

As I reflect on this first week of Advent may I look ahead with an eager
expectation of seeing you in my world and hearing your word in my life.
Help me to be a peacemaker this Advent and to give special love to those who disagree with me.

Give me the strength and courage to forgive those who have hurt me.
Help me to free my heart from the prison of my anger and hurt.
In the name of Christ. Amen

Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for those who are fearful of silence because of memories that flood their being.
We remember those whose lives scream out for silence - silence and stillness from the everyday life.

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