It took an angel to rescue Joseph from his shock at his fiancée’s pregnancy. That only seems fair as it was the angel that brought the tidings of joy to Mary - so to reassure Joseph seems entirely reasonable.
Do you need reassuring? What life altering message have you been given that has rocked your world? What assurance do you need?
Let’s try…. The God of the universe - the known and unknown. The God of history, present and future. The God of Mary, Joseph, the disciples, the woman at the well and many others. The God of our forebears, inspirational and Godly saints. This God, this very God is right with you now. The one whose promises are steadfast , the one who is not slow in keeping promises, the one who will never leave or forsake is with you right at this very moment. Our God is beyond our understanding but is within our grasp.
O God you come with power to shock and disturb Shock me out of my familiarity with the story of Jesus’ birth Disturb the complacency which leads me to wrap Christmas up in a box of taken-for-granted stories
Open my ears to listen for the voices of angels
Open my eyes to see the work of your Holy Spirit
Unexpected and disturbing God, grant me the courage of Joseph to hear the voice of the angel and see life in a new way. May I be ready to receive the one who comes as Saviour. Amen
Isaiah 53:5, Psalm 139, Matthew 2:18b-21
King of Kings