Isaiah 7:14 “ The Lord of his own accord will give you a sign; it is this: A young woman is with child, and she will give birth to a son and call him Immanuel” (Revised English Bible).
It seems so strange to think about the last supper during Advent. Don’t we have our seasons wrong? But as we pause, waiting to celebrate God made flesh, we have glimpses and reminders of his flesh and blood. We see God present in Christ’s first meal as well as his last. In those early days, Christ’s body was made vulnerable and small, totally dependent on his parents for everything. We are reminded of the depth of his love for us. Who among us would take the place of a child?
We see Christ reflected in the youngest baby gathered in worship. We see Christ reflected in an expectant mother. This is his Body, given for us. We are expectant parents in these days of Advent, men and women watching for signs of Christ born among us . Jesus came as a swaddled infant, then as a toddler scattering crumbs of bread, eventually as the honoured host. His grace has permeated our lives from beginning to end. We learn from Him the customs of His Table.
Risen Lord, be known to me in the breaking of the bread.” Bless my table, Lord, to be a place of holy fellowship. Make me aware, this season, of how you are present among us. Amen
Isaiah 7:13-15, Luke 2:1-7, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Born in the Night
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