I just cannot believe it. What am I going to do?
The story of Mary and Elizabeth reflects the courage of a young girl who truly believes her faith and on that of an old woman who was blessed with the Holy Spirit, allowing her to see the purpose and the glory of her life. In our age, as the young sit at the feet of the old and reflect upon changing times, the young ask how they are to live in this age. We must be encouraged by the example of these two women who share their faith together and uphold one another in their time of promise. We reflect upon Mary and Elizabeth, and see that they are able to reach out and bless one another. Elizabeth reassures Mary in the power of their Lord, and the young girl also blesses her. How we must remember the importance of family and friends! We must look to one another to help us through our trials, which are before us every day.
God of Strength,
I need your courage.
You offer to make firm the knees that are weak.
Only you know how frightened I so often am.
And you do offer me strength. There is the promise of your Son's coming and knowing that you will save me.
I can't do this on my own no matter how often I think I can.
Give me the humility to ask for your help and open heart to accept
your healing and love in my life. Amen
Psalm 72, Isaiah 11:1-9, Luke 1:39-45
My Jesus, My Saviour
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