Have you ever been accused of having selective hearing? Or hearing what you want to hear? Today's scripture reminds us of the danger in having ears that hear, but don't understand. Isaiah was called to preach to a group of people who weren't going to listen to him... hardhearted people who were going to hear what they wanted to hear.
We face this danger every time we hear a sermon or open scripture. Our tendency is to read what we want to read... and to hear what we want to see. We expect God to fit into the boxes that we construct for Him, and to act according to our expectations. This Advent, we're reminded that Jesus didn't come the way people expected. Instead, he came as a baby in a manger, born in a rough stable behind a busy inn. May our eyes and ears be open, that we see Him when He comes to us today.
We worship you eternal and everlasting God;
Alpha and Omega – the first and the last.
For you are the source of all life.
You set the world in motion, creating solar systems and planets;
You are beyond our understanding more than we can ever imagine.
Thank you for your love, the delicate wrapping in which you enfold us from our beginning to our end. We are not worthy yet we open our hearts to receive your love. Amen
Isaiah 6:1-13, Matthew 3: 1-12, 1 John 4:1-6
Love Came down at Christmas
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