On this last Sunday of Advent, we quietly reflect on the mystery resting in awe, in wonder of how our God entered our world and came to be with us. We pause to receive the gift offered us: that the Spirit of God will open up our lives and that Jesus will really come into our hearts.
This sense of awe is further emphasized by the fact that God chose the innocence of a young woman, and understanding Aunt and Uncle (Elizabeth & Zechariah), a sensitive, faithful, upright and religious Joseph. Thee is so much hope for us then.
May we have watchful hope today, believing what the Lord promises us. Let us pray today, that we might be God's servants, that we might be instruments of God's love for our families and all we serve this week.
They all were looking for a king
To slay their foes and lift them high
Thou cam’st a little Baby thing
That made a woman cry.’
George MacDonald (1824-1905)
Lord Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords the only ruler of princes, help me not to seek to possess truth but strive towards its goal
2 Samuel 7:1-16; Psalm 89, Luke 1:5-23, Romans 16:25–27
Tell Out My Soul
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