The opening chapters of Genesis yield a description of God’s purpose in creating. This purpose is largely echoed throughout the Old Testament where we regularly encounter phrases like, “I will be their God and they will be my people” (Gen. 17:8, Exod. 6:7, Jer. 24:7, Joel 2:27). In those early chapters of Genesis we also discover the devastating effects sin has on God’s purpose. The rest of the Biblical story unfolds this tension between God’s purposeful design for creation and the sinful sabotage of God’s plan.
Advent is that season in the church year that unequivocally declares that God’s purpose for creation will not be ultimately frustrated. Neither the darkness of sin, nor the devastating powers of evil can derail God’s good purpose. It is here, during Advent, that the church reaches back with one hand to Bethlehem where the eternal Word was made flesh and took up residence among us (John 1:14). With the other hand, the church reaches forward to the New Jerusalem where the home of God is finally, permanently, among His people (Revelation 21:3). Just as the church looks in remembrance, she also looks forward in eager expectation for the fulfilment of Gods purpose, when finally the dwelling of God is among His people and He will live with them as God, and they will be His children.
Maranatha” (Come, Lord Jesus! Come!). Abide in me, dwell with me, as I continue my journey through this Advent season by the presence of your Holy Spirit. Open my eyes that I might see you, my ears that I might hear you, my heart, home, church and life that I might welcome you, the Word made Flesh, until at last all your good purposes for me are completely fulfilled. O, come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel. Amen
Psalm 134:2, Isaiah 60:1-3, Luke 2:8-20
See him lying on a bed of straw
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