Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday 3 March.... Fine thanks....

How many times we are asked "How are you?" it is an automatically and frequently asked question. I've asked it and it has been asked of me. When it is asked of me I have to admit I weigh up the situation carefully and ask myself a number of questions quickly (very quickly):-

The first - do I respond with the almost obligatory response "fine thanks".
or do I respond honestly?
Does this person really want to know how I am?
Are they just being polite?
How much do I share? Do I want to share with this person?
Should I say just fine because actually that is how I feel?

All these fly through my mind and then most of the time my response is I'm ok. Why do I do it... why do we all do it. In all seriousness when I ask someone how they are I am genuinely interested, are they really fine....

What is hard though is when you know the other person is struggling - "How are you?" can seem to be the most inappropriate question. So what have I learned the last few weeks.. I've learned not to ask that question but I ask another... how has today been, how was yesterday, how was the weekend ... this seems to provide more of an opportunity for discussion shoudl the other person want to talk.

Dare I ask ..... how are you? How has your day been?

1 comment:

steve C-P said...

Yes I do want to really know how you are!!!!
don't ever tell me that you are "fine thanks"