May you now the peace and hope of a blessed Christmas. Perhaps at one point today you may take just a moment to utter the words “O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord”. Perhaps as a grace, a private prayer - at the start and end of the day. A moment of simple worship to a God who has spanned time and space and became vulnerable and dependent because of us.
It is the call to now begin a journey of grace. Saying yes to Jesus is
acknowledging who He is; it is even giving thanks to God for “so loving the world that He sent His Son so the world may be saved through Him” (John 3:16-17). To be saved is to be healed, to be made whole or, to continue to journey with Jesus to happiness, holiness, and love.
May God bless you in the joy and struggles of this day.
May I sing with the angels. May I hurry with the shepherds
May I seek the star with the wise men. For today Jesus is born
The Word is made flesh and we have seen his glory
Glory in the darkness of a stable
Glory in the humility of a manger
Glory in the love of God poured out
I offer my lips in praise, O Word beyond words
I offer my life in adoration, O Light transforming darkness
I offer my heart in worship, O Love without limits
May this day be filled with the light of the glory of your love
Isaiah 9:2-7, John 1:1-5, Galatians 4:4-7
Joy to the World
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