“I’m waiting for 5pm on Christmas Eve,” he said “it will be too late then.” Too late for what I wondered?. “For gifts, meeting the expectations of others and will they be disappointed on Christmas Day morning”
In the past years as I have wandered through packed shops I have seen the trolleys so full that not one more sprout could fit in. I have seen the post boxes overflowing - literally - with cards and I have seen the tension on people’s faces. What we need is a “silent night” when the pressures are lifted and exchanged for something altogether different. But then I remember a couple of people with tension, pain and fear etched on their faces over 2000 years ago and I realise that we have come full circle. No room for them and no room for Christ in so many at Christmas. I know you may have heard it before but take Christ out of Christmas and you have left M&S! And for so many - even to some extent us for us - that is what it has become. Let us put the emphasis back onto Christ, let us make room for the Holy Child of Bethlehem to descend to us again.
Even if the gatherings in our homes do not reflect perfect love, make us into more perfect hosts at your table.
Bless those equipped to share your love with your hurting children. Remind those whose families are still divided by the damages of sin of the hope that we might someday find right fellowship with you and one another.
God with us, be Immanuel to all. Amen
Psalm 8, Luke 1, Colossians 1:15-23
O little town of Bethlehem
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