The journey of Moses was not straightforward. He told God he did not want to lead any people anywhere if God’s presence was not going with them. What a brave and right decision. How easy to do things in our own strength fixed on our own agenda. When did you recognise Gods presence going with you into a situation and what
difference did that recognition make?
There is no place worth going without Gods presence. It is all about one major truth, we need the one who loves us enough who gave his own life. Our journeys may not be like Moses, Mary and Joseph, the magi or like our neighbour yet they are still important to God - the one who travels with us. We may flee, get diverted or never see the final earthly destination, yet with God as our guide and companion we can know fulfilment and joy in the travelling.
Dear God,
I acknowledge my need of you. Without you my life would be void and have little purpose. At times the journey of my life seems relentlessly difficult and I struggle.
I cannot see around the corner, I do not fully know what tomorrow will bring. The paths I have chosen have not always been right but I am thankful that you, the Holy One travels with me. In my today and in my tomorrow may I trust you and may my past journey be an offering to you. Restore and guide me for I am willing to listen to you. Amen
Exodus 33:12-23, Matthew 2:1-12
Wise Men Seeking Jesus
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