Out of Dryness
"May Righteousness Flourish”
Readings - Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72 and Luke 10:21-24
“A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse.” On the whole we do not expect growth from stumps—they are dry, barren and rootless. We dig them up and throw them away. But we have probably all seen a tree stump sprouting new life, new growth in defiance of the axe.
When we feel discouraged and empty, cut down and squashed may we remember that new shoots are always possible even from the most barren of situations. And for this growth roots are critical. Our roots are critical. This Advent let us care for our roots, feeding off the good soil of prayer and the written word as we wait to celebrate the arrival of the living word.
This living word arrived in the most ordinary of situations. Was he the only baby born in Bethlehem? Were the holy family the only family without room for the night? For all but his final three years, Jesus was content with an “ordinary” life.
Learning a skill, being a good family member, learning about his religious heritage—his roots. But it is impossible to believe that in this ordinariness Jesus did not find the presence of God. We too, can catch glimpses of God in the ordinariness of our own lives.
Help me, Loving God, to stand bravely before this changing world and to see the shoots of life in everyday.
Help me to grow my roots deeply into your love.
In my despair may I find your hope.
In my darkness may I see your light.
In my loneliness may I know your presence.
The Lord’s Prayer.
In the name of Christ Amen
Additional Prayer Ideas
We pray for all who seek to find meaning in their lives.
We remember those whose family relationshipsare strained and un co-operative.
For pray for all who struggle with issues of self esteem.
Too much dryness at the moment...Advent waiting...Advent waiting.
what a great thought.... hope you are well? x x x x
Cilla (via facebook)
It's hard to take in that Jesus achieved so much in three years!
Barbara (via facebook)
There is "Hope too" - you are in thoughts and prayers
Yes Barbara - three years didn't seem long x
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