Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Away in a Manger

Just how many times do we sing this? 15 times so far this year with three services to go - I am determined not to have them at those. It is not that I have anything too major against it - its nice enough - but you can have enough of a good thing.

Thomas - I am sorry i divulged your secret at the Carol Service - for those that made it I am sure he will forgive me - for those that didn't it is up to Tom whether he shares or not....


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want to know mine sorry

Jackie Bellfield said...

I wouldn't want to know what anonymous?

Anonymous said...

my caption...

Jackie Bellfield said...

ahh I see

Anonymous said...

It is up to ME whether I share it thank you! And all babies do it so theres no shame!
But it was dead embarrasing when you told everyone like that. XD
'Away on a potty
no loo for the kid
sat singing forever
and ?? while he did.'
(sing to the tune of away in a manger. (You cn sort of guess the question marks!)
I think that because you told something I didn when I was little, I should tell everyone somehting you did when you were little. I HAVE spoken to nanna glenys about this AJ, so watch this space...
over and out.