When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
The sun is the light of the earth. No matter how bad the storm may be, the sun shines above it, and will triumph over it.
Jesus is the light of the world. No matter how tough the times are, no matter what indignities we must suffer in this life, someday the indignities will end and Jesus’ triumph will be revealed. The sun never ceases shining; sometimes clouds get in our way and prevent us from observing it, yet we do not lose faith in the sun! We do not call up the local astronomical observatory and ask where the sun has gone and when it will return! We think that is funny, but why is it that when the clouds of adversity cloud our view of Jesus, we run to a church and ask why God has gone away and when He will come back? Or we lose faith altogether, conclude that we have been abandoned—until the clouds clear up as clouds always do and we can see Jesus in our lives again. Fools as we are, we forget the lesson we’ve just learned and repeat the panic the next time. For sometimes he comes in the clouds.
God of light and longing, with hope we look to you this day.
At this season of the year - this time of short days and long nights -
we are looking for the turning of the tide,
that movement which assures us that darkness
will not overcome the world.
O Come O Come Emmanuel and lighten our lives
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