Sorry for the delay in blogs - no real excuse except planning for the orientation project etc.
So January was an eventful month:
# Car broke down 5 times
# Computer broke down (crashed)and needed a three day recovery period
# Radiator leaked
Of course whilst these can dominate other things have also happened.
# A powerful joint convenant service with Latcford and Bold Street
# Links with the high school for assemblies
# Delivered orientation project to committee
# Preached at three churches together services (though I think my colleagues saying the new member of clergy always does it was a bit far fetched)
# Heptagon played at Chester Cathedral
# Finished writing the lenten meditation booklet
# Organised Heptagon's Radio Merseyside recordings.
and finally...
# Got the script for the Latchford Pantomime - Maisy Doolittle is my stage name!!!
# Thought I had a funny phone call when my main line phone rang and I heard rustling - despite hanging up and trying to use the phone three times the rustling remained.... I then realised I had sat on my mobile phone in my pocket and had called myself - what excitement.
# Confessed about gerbil washing at Event....
So an eventful January .. role on February.
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