Thursday, September 18, 2008

Church in a Pub

Is it right is it wrong?
Church in a pub of course doesn't mean the pint as shown above. We are considering church at Chicargo rock - "a public house" in the centre of warrington - is that right or wrong? To me it just seems a God given opportunity offered generously to us...Please remember this possibility in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Well I think it's absolutely wonderful and a God given opportunity not to be missed. Go for it Jackie! If this isn't a fresh expression, I don't know what is. xx

Anonymous said...

I reckon it is where Jesus would head to if he/she came back to Warrington for any reason.
I believe that Jesus met people where they were comfortable and according to their needs so a pub would meet both those needs for lots of people.
There are sound churches which meet in Church type buildings which is brill....a place for everyone... but not everyone can walk into those places for millions of reasons...
Some people have been abused by people in church and cant go into these places of worship so we need other places to be on offer....
Jesus was ok about alcohol in moderation and of course didnt advocate hurting self or others in drinking...but this is a fab offer and I would be well up for it and God represented in fun places and 'out of hours' too!!