Jesus is taken before the Roman governor, Pilate. Finding no fault in him, Pilate shunts Jesus back to the Jewish king, Herod. He, fearful, prevaricating, insists that this must be a matter for Pilate and sends him back. Jesus is whipped and mocked by Roman soldiers. After attempts to nominate him for people’s pardon fail, Pilate consents to his death. Jesus, with two others also condemned to the same fate of being nailed to two cross beams of wood (sometimes described as a tree), dies slowly of asphyxiation. Pilate has had a placard placed above his head in three languages which say, “The King of the Jews”, Jesus hangs there for six hours: incurrent terminology: it is between 9.00am and 3.00pm.
During these agonizing six hours seven short sentences are wrung from Jesus’ lips.
O God true source of humanity,
you renew us so we may grow like you.
you renew us so we may grow like you.
We gather together:
from corner or limelight,
from fears or from sadness,
from hope or from gladness
in close relationships or from separate lives.
from fears or from sadness,
from hope or from gladness
in close relationships or from separate lives.
We gather together:
who long for the company,
the grace and the deepest joys,
found in your presence.
the grace and the deepest joys,
found in your presence.
We gather together:
to meet you, to celebrate your love,
and to rejoice in the possibilities that arise
when we honour your creation and all humanity.
and to rejoice in the possibilities that arise
when we honour your creation and all humanity.
We gather together - with you.
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