We are sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, by our receiving his real stamp upon our souls; being made the partakers of the divine nature. This is, indeed, the design of his dwelling in us, to heal our disordered souls, and to restore that image of his upon our nature.” – John Wesley
We believe that God is already alive and active within us. Do we dare believe this? Are we really able to have the mind and heart of Zachariah, Elizabeth and Mary to hope that what God has begun in us will be fulfilled according to God’s plan for us? When was God last active in us? Do we sometimes spend so much time talking about God we forget to talk to God? The Scriptures tell us that the whole purpose of prayer and community is to support, celebrate and affirm what God is already doing within each one of us and in the whole community. God is within you. The flame of God’s life is in us, is alive in us already!
Jesus, protector, I long for your coming.
The promise of new light and life is before me, give me the faith to believe in your presence this day.
Protect me from dangers and lead me through the darkness to the joy I so long to find in you.
Lift me from my sins and give me the promise and assurance of salvation with no more shame, only the light and saving grace of your love. May your peace come to my life and may it be evident in my relationships and daily living. Amen
Psalm 145, John 17, Hebrews 2: 5-15
Come thou Long Expected Jesus