Come thou long expected Jesus
Born thy people to deliver
born a child and yet a King,
born to reign in us forever,
now thy gracious kingdom bring.
Psalm 130: 5-8
Malachi 3:1-4
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
During the recent postal strikes the level of people using recorded delivery increased. Users wanted proof of postage and the details given allowed them to track where their post was. Isn’t it amazing how God recorded the intention, delivery and effect of the incarnation?
In this season of Advent we begin to explore how God comes to us and of how God recorded supremely the act of redemptive love. We think and remember God’s first
coming into human history in the birth of Jesus. That God comes in the present moment and that God will come again.
Sometimes we long for God so much as the needs of our lives and the world press upon us. Life’s demands and the expectations of others can overwhelm us and we seek for God in it all. At the start of Advent what do you hope for? Do you seek a deeper understanding of God?. This season reminds us that our God is a God who comes to those who wait.
Come thou long expected Jesus into the parts of my life hidden to others.
Come into the barren and hurting places. Come into the dry places that need refreshing by the outpouring of your love.
When I lack love and compassion, change me.
When I am impatient and frustrated, deliver me.
When I fail to see the goodness, help me to focus on you, the author and perfector of my faith.
Further Prayers
We pray for those who live, work and socialise with.
May the hope of Advent be present in our conversations and actions with
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