Is there such a thing as pleasing everyone? Can it be done? Life is complicated and therefore full of complications - what floats one persons boat - drowns another and makes others disembark.
It has been widely accepted that you can’t go out there and please everyone. Or that is what people tell me - you can't please everyone Jackie - but you can please me? Also, what concerns me is that I feel this has created a situation where people have stopped trying to please anyone at all. A kind of "I'm alright Jack scenario". Of course what I am not saying is that we don't consider ourselves - nope not saying that at all - but I wonder if just sometimes we kind of mix up th balance a bit.
The bottom line is that we’re all unique – for better or for worse – and therefore the one-size-fits-all mentality rarely applies to real life situations. To further complicate things, just as there are some folks that are easy going and easy to please, there are others that are a little grumpy and find fault with everything. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle where we have reasonable expectations and as long as an effort has been made to meet those expectations, we’re satisfied.
So what is one to do? Give up? Live in a cave? Of course not. You simply need to set the expectation that not everyone will go along with what you plan/say/attempt/etc…. If everyone does go along with it and they’re happy, then great. If they don’t, you’re not surprised, or worse, disappointed.
But it isn't easy - we all want to be liked - but at what compromise and what cost? That's why I am trying to figure.
Well good luck with all the figuring out!!!
I learnt a long time ago that rather than trying to please everyone it's easier to try and never hurt anyone.
In any situation there will inevitably be people who, reasons of their own, will be negative or unresponsive to new ideas and while that might be a trial, in a strange way it can also be considered a compliment. After all if they didn't care about your opinions or suggestions they wouldn't be reacting to them so strongly.
Being liked is easy - being respected is a far bigger challenge.
Sorry Jackie I have just reread that first paragraph and realised that it doesn't make sense! What I was trying to say was that rather than trying to please everyone it's probably far easier to accept that not everyone will agree with you but as long as the protagonists aren't hurt or unduly upset then you should be content that the majority have been regarded. It can be hard to be one of the silent majority while a vocal minority can often sway the argument.
I think I'm toward the cantakerous end of the spectrum and struggle to please anyone... but you know I agree with Joyce in that we must understand what is in our locus of control: pleasing others is not within our gift, it is another's gift to be pleased with us... does that make sense?
Well I continue to live and learn
Im a youth worke for four churches so i know i will never please everyone, but how right you are when you say we liked to be liked. I think my struggle is to choose whats right rather than whats easy.
Im a youth worker too so I appreciate your honesty doormouse.
Sadly people in church because they want to be liked fall into clicks and have favourite ministers instead of worshipping God and some ministers have favourite helpers because they make them feel good..and some people just go to moan and wont be happy anywhere.
I hate the traditional church because it is full of judgement and hypocrisy and backbiting...the only salvation for the Church is small groups who really care but where i worship I can't ever see that happening so maybe its time for me to move on??
People in Church have hard and sad and mean faces in my opinion.
Just be honest and true to God is the only answer and seek the things you dont really enjoy..the things you dont want to do and the people who are not welcome and you will please God.
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