I have spent time some time over the past week reflecting on the last year. What a mixture of emotions it evokes. Some delightful, heart warming and transforming occasions and others which have cut to the heart and have made me feel crushed. Some are easier to share than others.
The highlight of the year has to be people - loving and devoted to God. Those who have shown love and friendship have been a delight and a joy. Getting to know some people better - and they know who they are - has been wonderful. There are some I could not have survived without - their kindness and support has been inspirational and steadfast. Thank you.
Another involves the people I have met - some through some very sad circumstances - to share journeys of birth and passing has been a privilege.
So what else:
Spiritual growth and discipleship in Latchford and Bold Street
New members at Latchford with a servcie at Bold Street to follow
Discipleship evening started
2 Support workers appointed to start on 5 Jan
Refurbished coffee shop at Bold Street and Hall at Latchford
New people coming along to church
New people getting involved with leadership in church
Radio Merseyside with Heptagon
Maize Maze
Yet with the joy has been the sorrow and the hard times:
The death of Nan continues to cut to the core - I miss her more than words than can say.
The issue of formation remains hard as a minister. Time pressure as well as other words spoken have been hurtful - I journey through this exploring who I am and my calling as I journey towards 2009.

So this year -
new support workers
a new church bookshop
new song cafe
fresh expression church at Chicago Rock
Mission shaped Intro course
College continues
New office
At least 2 more CDs
More Radio Merseyside Programmes
a milestone of 40(God willing)
ordination (God willing)
I hope as you reflect on 2008 and anticipate 2009 you will know the hope and light oif God in who you are. He delights in you.