What does stillness sound like? How does it smell? A random question I suppose but nonetheless an important one. Important as stillness involves everything about us.
For some stillness and silence is to be avoided. As though the very thought is deafening. For others it is but a dream and hope and even for others a place they long to escape from.
What is stillness?
The psalmist extols us to "Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) is this where God is? I wonder if in today's vocabulary we would use the phrase "chill out."
Though the phrase chill out can have negative connotations of telling someone to "calm down" or "stop blowing a gasket" to ease someones temper and our own avoidance of dealing with a situation.
Perhaps the command “be still” — forces us to think that we are finite, and that God is infinite. If that is the case for us then, can we relax in God's presence and allow God to be .... to be God?
So where do we run to for stillness? Where is the safe haven or safe place to hide? If you were running for your life where would you run too?
What stillness and silence has taught me is that our lives are useable by God. We do not always have to be doing, or effective, or successful (what success is? because that measure changes everyday)just transparent, open and vulnerable. It is then that God takes it from there. God being creator, sustainer, redeemer, healer, lover and much more....
So may we find a moment to "Be Still, and Know thatI am God" Psalm 46
For God’s past provides calm for our future.