Readings from the Good Friday Service this morning at Bold Street Methodist Mission.
Do you remember a man who had dreams of what might be:
that people would be set free from ideas and images about God that enslaved them?
Do you remember a man who had his moments of breakthrough,
when it must have seemed his dream was being realised:
the times people really listened and responded,
the men and women who were prepared to walk with him and support him?
Do you remember a man who learned of the cruel death of his cousin? He got into a boat, seeking a lonely place, where he could be with his friends to absorb the shock, to grieve quietly, and to calm the feelings of powerlessness and frustration and fear for his own future.
I wonder what he prayed about that night?
I wonder what helped him leave that lonely place and go forward to confront life, rather than retreat into isolation and safety?
Do you remember a man whose dream was shattered:
who broke down and cried over what could have been,
who knew the pain of failure and powerlessness,
who knew what it was like to feel broken and terribly alone?
Do you remember a man who knew he was going to die:
who gathered with his friends knowing it was for the last time,
who spoke to them about what he really believed,
who wanted them to remember him and to keep his dream alive?
Do you remember? Do you remember?
Yes God I remember.
I remember a man called to serve
I remember a man enthused to serve others
I remember a man who wept over a friend
I remember a man who touched and healed
I remember a man human like me
I remember a testament to love.
I remember.
I remember.
Do you remember a man crucified?
He was abandoned by his friends, taunted, despised,enduring a shameful and agonising death.
Do you remember a man who turned to another,even with his last breath to speak words of comfort and assurance?
Do you remember a man who looked upon his own beloved Mother, with a gaze reminding her of a stable and a promise of “let it be to me according to your will”?
Do you remember? Do you remember?
Yes God. I remember
I remember the word made flesh
I remember a man whose faith in all he believed was tested to the limit.
I remember Jesus the expression of God’s love.
I remember Jesus.
I remember
I remember
We remember all of this