Monday, October 20, 2008


I have been to ECG (Equipping, Calling, Going) conference at Southport where Heptagon led worship and the week previous to that to the Willow Creek Leadership conference.

Many things united these two experiences - some positive and a couple of other points which probably I won't share on this blog without further reflection. There were some amazing highlights though and many of them involved the dynamic of the team that I work with in Warrington.

Praising God for our co-workers is something we ought to do regularly - not out of building up of pride but out of humble gratitude to God;s purpose. I am grateful for my colleagues ... they know who they are.

Who are you thankful for?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

which blog do you prefer

this one or the other brown version?

My favourite things...

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... Just the kind of images you can count on if you purchase a delicate birthday card, and they certainly made their way into the lyrics of the classic Sound of Music songbook.

I wouldn't put wet flowers or mewling cats into my own Fave Things list. It'll be very obvious as you read my list below that I'm no songwriter. But I am grateful for:

a hug from a friend
a new song which sums up what I cannot ever express myself
singing in the quite a simple melody
sitting in the stillness
God's grace
Tom, Leah, Glyn and Owen

and someone else cooking....

what are your favourite things?