Thursday, November 29, 2007

Advent Reflections

Having decided to write a reflection booklet for Latchford, this is now to be used for the Central Partnership of Bold Street and Latchford. I'll post the contents here - mainly for future use - but I have enjoyed wrting this booklet, a great deal. I've found it to be quite moving to reflect on Luke's account of the birth of Jesus -it is amazing what new things we consider.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Two Retreats

Two retreats

According to an on-line dictionary the word retreat can mean one of the following:

1.the forced or strategic withdrawal of an army or an armed force before an enemy, or the withdrawing of a naval force from action.
2. the act of withdrawing, as into safety or privacy; retirement; seclusion.
3. a place of refuge, seclusion, or privacy: The library was his retreat.

Let me be upfront - it is not the first one. Whilst we are called to love our enemies this for me is a proactive action rather than withdrawing.

Retreat One

Derbyshire with the probationer group led ably by the Under 5 group. It started questionaingly when I drove up a steep, narrow drive and found at the top that I could not turn round or reverse down. The only option was to knock on the door of the house belonging to the drive and ask for help. Then came the lesson of trust - the owner of the house kindly offered to reverse my car for me down the hill. I accepted without hesitation and she reversed with skill, knowing the drive very well. I was encouraged, relieved and appeciative of this dear lady.

The highlight for me was a session led by Sally on the ministers shaped box. Through this session Sally encouraged us to consider our roles, jobs and expectations - we were then encouraged to write down issues and place things in the box. Then we trampled it down - very powerful and an encouragement to reflect on our ministerial formation.

Retreat Two

You know I am working in a most wonderful ministerial team. Each member is skilled in a variety of ways and I am so very excited to be part of a team which is so pioneering and forward facing. We spent some of the time viewing sessions from "The Willow Creek Leadership Summit." Reflecting on an interview between Bill Hybels (Senior Pastor from Willow Creek) and Richard Curtis (Writer and Producer of such films as Notting Hill, Love Actually) we considered worldly issues and transformation. Additionally, we though of motivation and how to motivate others.

These moments of time out - of quiet reflection - is critical to our development - as human beings, as Christians and as church leaders.

So what have I learned:

Share, care and pray together.
Take time out to be still.
God is transforming people and situations in dramatic and glorious ways.


Loraine Mellor fan club exsists.
Loraine Mellor excels at miming carrots
Loraine has been bitten - the dangers of pastoral visiting

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November Reflection

Second month in and there have been great moments of wonder, awe and a great sense of feeling God's presence. There have been many moments when I have found myself on my knee's - which actually is not a bad place to be in prayer.

So what has happened this month? In no particular order...

Circuit Resource Centre - with a great sense of vision and purpose a new centre has opened on the first floor of Bold Street to accommodate the circuit office. In addition to an office for the fab Emma there is also a training suite, small meeting room (the black and red room)and a resource room accommodating DVDs, magazines and resources. Additionally, there are two loos and a district room. This is a wonderful space and those working to create the space have been an inspiration -well done to all involved.

Latchford - Gardening and KC Kidz have been the highlights. Why? because each speak of people working together and caring together. Wonderful. The gardening team involved 12 of us pushing, pulling, digging, cutting, cooking, washing up, eating and drinking and we achieved alot. It was a great day and another example of great people having a great time. KC Kidz is the older age range of Kids Connect - it began two weeks ago and I am having a great time - I hope the youngsters are too.

Bold Street - What is blue and lies on the floor of the sanctuary? Well obviously it is Jackie in her suit lying down so the gathered group could assess whether it is the right blue for their new carpet. Not sure of the outcome but it took a while to get up. The vision of the people to renovate the coffee shop, sanctuary and foyer is great - this will certainly help the mission to be effective. Well done Bold Street.

Ryfield - Wow! 55 people attended the Remembrance Day Service and many have commented that they will come again. The relationships being created there are phenomenal and moving. Drawing alongside has enabled a new prayer book to be placed in the library, an invitation on the weekly activities sheet for prayer requests and the offer of us holding film evenings - this is so great. Oh and this week is the Christmas Fayre - come on mince pies!!

So it has been a busy month and in the midst of it all has been the orientation project and work for college.

Oh and one final word BOLLARDS - yes I have a bollard in my space now at Bold Street, to in theory, enable the space to be reserved - that is with the exception last night when one white van man parked between the bollards and I coudln't get it - oh Bollards!

Looking ahead - retreats, mince pies, christingle service, mince pies, carol service, mince pies or perhaps I should rename them mine pies.